Flower Farm & Eco Florist offering sustainably grown, naturally wild flowers for all occasions!

Gift Vouchers


Treat someone special with an Ellesmere Eco Flowers Gift Voucher.
Available in £25, £50, £100, £150, £200 amounts.  This thoughtful gift is flexible and can be spent over a few months as bunches, bouquets or simply in one go!

Give a summer of colour to a loved one, and introduce them to the joys of British flowers.  Month by month and week by week, the varieties on offer will change giving a distinctive look to each month – which will be their favourite?

Gift Vouchers may be spent between April and September.

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Treat someone special with an Ellesmere Eco Flowers Gift Voucher.
Available in £25, £50, £100, £150, £200 amounts.  This thoughtful gift is flexible and can be spent over a few months as bunches, bouquets or simply in one go!

Give a summer of colour to a loved one, and introduce them to the joys of British flowers.  Month by month and week by week, the varieties on offer will change giving a distinctive look to each month – which will be their favourite?

Gift Vouchers may be spent between April and September.

Additional information

Gift Voucher

£25, £50, £100, £150, £200